andrew j. graff
Inséparables, Bread et Fish ont dix ans et passent leur été dans la poussière des champs du Wisconsin. Ils vivraient dans une parfaite insouciance, sans la figure violente du père de Bread qui terrorise le garçon. Un jour, au comble du désespoir, Fish décide de protéger son ami : un coup de revolver, et les gamins s'enfuient se croyant meurtriers. Ils se hâtent de rassembler du matériel, des provisions, et s'enfoncent dans l'immense forêt voisine. Construire un radeau, promesse de liberté, les expose immédiatement aux dangers réels de la traversée. Pendant ce temps, le grand-père de Fish et le shérif se lancent à leur recherche. Chacun devra faire son propre voyage en pleine nature pour affronter ses doutes et secourir les plus vulnérables.
Sam et Swami Brecht, qui s'étaient rencontrés dix ans plus tôt en tant que jeunes guides de rivière aventureux, quittent la grande cité où ils s'étaient installés pour retourner dans le Wisconsin avec leurs trois enfants. Ils souhaitent que l'entreprise de rafting dont ils ont hérité leur permettre de prendre un nouveau départ, aussi bien financièrement qu'amoureusement. Mais celle-ci a connu des jours meilleurs et la concurrence s'avère féroce. Sam et Swami comprennent vite qu'il ne sera pas facile de se faire la place dont ils rêvaient et ils vont devoir lutter de toutes leurs forces pour conquérir leur nouvelle vie.
The further you run the closer you get to the truth...
An instant classic for fans of Where the Crawdads Sing and We Begin at the End!
The most heartbreaking and beautifully written debut novel of 2021.
One summer night in Wisconsin, the lives of two ten-year-old boys are changed forever...
Tired of seeing his best friend Dale Breadwin abused by his alcoholic father, Fischer Branson takes action. A gunshot rings out, and Bread and Fish flee into the woods. They build a raft, but the river quickly leads them into even greater danger.
In their wake travel a group of adults - Sherriff Cal, aspiring poet Tiffany, Fish''s grandad, and his mother Miranda - each determined to save the boys from the terrors of Ironsford Gorge.
The further they go, the more the wilderness starts to change them in profound and unexpected ways. And when they reach the edge of the Gorge itself, they begin to understand the true violence and beauty of the natural world, and its ability to heal.
No matter where you run danger will always follow... -
From the author of Raft of Stars comes a heartfelt novel of marriage and whitewater rafting, following one couple as they navigate the changing currents of family, community, and the river itself.As the summer of 1993 begins, Sam and Swami Brecht roll into town with a twenty-six-foot Winnebago camper van, their three young kids, and the deed to Woodchuck Rafting Company. Sam and Swami met as young, adventurous river guides but, a decade later, find themselves weighed down by money worries and the demands of adulthood. The town of Thunderwater, in Wisconsin''s Northwoods, could be the fresh start their marriage needs. But Woodchuck, once the property of Sam''s eccentric uncle, has seen better days and will need a serious overhaul if it is going to stand a chance at survival.Soon Sam and Swami learn they are not the only ones looking for change and profit on the river. A competing rafting outfit, clashing raft guides, stubborn townsfolk, and an exploratory mining company begin to threaten their tenuous livelihood. Then nature intervenes, in the form of historic floods throughout the Midwest. Amid tumultuous currents both on and off the river, Sam and Swami struggle to maintain the new life they''ve built. Before the summer draws to a close, the Brechts must learn to face the floodwaters together in order to create a sustainable future for their family, the town, and the pristine river from which it all flows.