Sarah Vaughan
Bâtir une réputation. Des années d'efforts que quelques minutes seulement suffisent à réduire à néant. Votre réputation ne dépend pas de vous, mais des autres. Si vous êtes une femme, protégez-la. Et n'oubliez jamais : ce n'est pas ce que vous êtes réellement qui importe, mais ce qu'on pense que vous êtes. La question n'est pas tant de savoir si vous avez ou non tué un homme que d'anticiper ce que tout le monde va croire. Un nouveau roman magistral sur l'ambition féminine et le prix à payer pour celles qui en font preuve, par l'autrice des best-sellers La Ferme du bout du monde et Anatomie d'un scandale, roman adapté en série sur Netflix.
Qu'il est bon de se laisser manipuler par une autrice compétente ! Elle.
Un regard tranchant sur les mécanismes de harcèlement. Femmes d'aujourd'hui.
Ce thriller interroge sur la difficulté de conserver une vie privée lorsque l'on se retrouve au coeur d'un scandale. Addictif. Psychologies magazine.
Traduit de l'anglais (Royaume-Uni) par Alice Delarbre. -
Jess, mère au foyer, fait preuve d'une grande dévotion envers ses trois enfants, qu'elle chérit et protège à tout prix. C'est du moins la façon dont Liz, son amie depuis dix ans, la perçoit. Mais le doute s'installe lorsque Jess se rend aux urgences pédiatriques où travaille Liz. Dans ses bras, sa fille Betsey, âgée de dix mois, présente tous les signes d'un traumatisme crânien. Jess, d'ordinaire si soucieuse du bien-être de sa famille, semble étrangement distante et peu concernée par la situation, et ses explications ne collent pas avec la blessure de l'enfant. Liz s'interroge sur les réelles motivations de son amie. Pourquoi a-t-elle attendu aussi longtemps avant de se rendre à l'hôpital ? S'agit-il vraiment d'un accident, comme elle l'affirme ? Un drame psychologique brillamment tissé qui sonde les enjeux de la maternité, de l'amitié et interroge ce qui nous lie ou nous sépare.
Kate vient de se voir confier l'affaire de sa vie, celle qui accuse l'un des hommes les plus proches du pouvoir d'un terrible crime. Kate doit faire condamner James Whitehouse.
Sophie adore son mari, James. Elle est prête à tout pour l'aider et préserver sa famille. Sophie doit trouver la force de continuer comme avant.
Comme avant, vraiment ? Quels sombres secrets dissimule le scandale, et à quel jeu se livrent réellement ces deux femmes et cet homme ?
Best-seller international, Anatomie d'un scandale est un thriller psychologique et domestique sulfureux qui mêle radiographie d'un mariage et décryptage des arcanes du monde politique. Un roman ténébreux et puissant.
Cornouailles, une ferme isolée au sommet d'une falaise. Battus par les vents de la lande et les embruns, ses murs abritent depuis trois générations une famille... et ses secrets.1939. Will et Alice trouvent refuge auprès de Maggie, la fille du fermier. Ils vivent une enfance protégée des ravages de la guerre. Jusqu'à cet été 1943 qui bouleverse leur destin. Été 2014. La jeune Lucy, trompée par son mari, rejoint la ferme de sa grand-mère Maggie. Mais rien ne l'a préparée à ce qu'elle y découvrira. Deux étés, séparés par un drame inavouable. Peut-on tout réparer soixante-dix ans plus tard ?
Après le succès de La Meilleure d'entre nous, Sarah Vaughan revient avec un roman vibrant.
Destinées prises dans les tourments de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, enfant disparu, paysages envoûtants de la Cornouailles, La Ferme du bout du monde a tout pour séduire les lecteurs de L'Île des oubliés, d'Une vie entre deux océans et de La Mémoire des embruns.
Un livre que vous ne voudrez plus quitter. Marie Claire Bouleversant. Woman Magazine -
« N'oubliez pas : la pâtisserie est une preuve d'amour. » Kathleen Eaden, L'Art de la pâtisserie, 1966.Angleterre, de nos jours. Le concours pour élire la nouvelle Kathleen Eaden a commencé ! Cinq candidats sont en lice, réunis par une passion commune. Mais la confection d'un cheesecake ou d'un paris-brest ne suffit pas toujours à faire oublier les blessures et les peines. Jenny, la cinquantaine tout en rondeurs, délaissée par son mari ; Vicki, qui aspire à plus qu'à élever son petit Alfie ; Claire, la jeune caissière mère célibataire qui ne rêve même plus d'une autre vie ; Karen, dont l'apparente perfection dissimule bien des secrets ; sans oublier Mike, veuf en pleine thérapie culinaire... Au cours d'une compétition aussi gourmande qu'échevelée, tous apprendront que l'art de la vie est au moins aussi difficile que celui de la pâtisserie. Généreux et inspirant, bourré d'émotion et d'humour, un premier roman à dévorer d'une seule traite, peuplé de personnages irrésistibles. Une déclaration d'amour à toutes les saveurs de la vie !Traduit de l'anglais (Royaume-Uni) par Alice Delarbre.
From the bestselling author of Anatomy of a Scandal, soon to be a major Netflix series Reputation: it takes a lifetime to build and just one moment to destroy. Emma Webster is a respectable MP. Emma Webster is a devoted mother. Emma Webster is innocent of the murder of a tabloid journalist. Emma Webster is a liar. #Reputation: The story you tell about yourself. And the lies others choose to believe ** Praise for Sarah Vaughan ** ''Told from multiple points of view, this raw and painfully real portrayal of insecurities, guilt, shame and postnatal anxiety is complex, nuanced and moving'' Guardian ''People are calling this the new Apple Tree Yard , but Id beg to differ Id argue its infinitely better'' The Pool Well-written, pacy and full of twists and turns Independent ''I love it when a book lives up the hype and this one does. It is quite shockingly good '' Sun ''This clever plot raises many issues of the moment'' Marcel Berlins, The Times ''Once the trial of MP James Whitehouse starts, you could not have prised the book from hands for love or money'' Jake Kerridge, Sunday Express ''An absolute masterpiece prepare to be very impressed'' heat ''A lot of reviews claim that a novel has them hooked from the start but with this story, its painfully true'' Grazia ''One of the best books youll read this year'' Closer ''Thought provoking and delicately executed, this beautifully written novel features characters you will want to both rally and reprimand'' The i ''Vaughan''s novel is a warning about the terrible effects parenting can have on mental health. It is also a cunningly plotted mystery'' Daily Mirror Sarah Vaughan brings to this book the same tension building expertise that made her bestseller Anatomy of a Scandal such a success Daily Mail
''Deftly plotted and superbly well researched, with an eerie relevance to the current debate surrounding the attitudes to and experiences of women in Westminster, Hollywood and beyond. An intelligent, absorbing page-turner that avoids all knee-jerk assumptions and easy answers'' Laura Barnett, author of The Versions of Us The best courtroom drama since Apple Tree Yard sensational Clare Mackintosh A high-profile marriage thrust into the spotlight. A wife, determined to keep her family safe, must face a prosecutor who believes justice has been a long time coming. A scandal that will rock Westminster. And the women caught at the heart of it. Anatomy of a Scandal centres on a high-profile marriage that begins to unravel when the husband is accused of a terrible crime. Sophie is sure her husband, James, is innocent and desperately hopes to protect her precious family from the lies which might ruin them. Kate is the barrister who will prosecute the case she is equally certain that James is guilty and determined he will pay for his crimes. A compelling and cautionary story about how we can never truly know someone else; how even after twelve years of marriage, a wife might not know everything about her husband. Brilliant, shocking, and gripping , once I started, I couldn''t stop reading Claire Fuller , bestselling author of Our Endless Numbered Days Sarah Vaughan drip feeds revelations while exploring the power and privilege of political elite Good Housekeeping Think last years drama Liar with a dash of Apple Tree Yard Sunday Mirror ''That rare book that combines great writing, spot-on characterisation and a compulsive, page-turning narrative. I read it in one breathless day. Set against a fascinating backdrop of the Houses of Parliament, the Old Bailey and Oxford University, think House of Cards meets The Secret History . Meticulously researched, this is an outstanding read'' Fiona Cummins, author of Rattle A timely thriller about marriage , but also about power, who wields it, and how that affects who we believe Stylist E xpertly plotted courtroom drama Gripping and beautifully written Sunday Post Marks a shift in genre for Vaughan and promises to explore the nature of power and privilege among the countrys political elite Belfast Telegraph Anatomy of a Scandal has bestseller written all over it '' Veronica Henry , author of The Forever House I was hooked right from the start. So beautifully written, clever and compelling. I was gripped right up to the final page Claire Douglas , bestselling author of The Sisters and Local Girl Missing Am I allowed to choose my book of the year in May? Anatomy of a Scandal is astoundingly good a tour de force . I absolutely loved it Eve Chase , bestselling author of Black Rabbit Hall
''Taut, clever, compelling and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat'' Paula Hawkins, author of The Girl on the Train You think you know her But look a little closer She is a stay-at-home mother of three with boundless reserves of patience, energy and love. After being friends for a decade, this is how Liz sees Jess. Then one moment changes everything. Dark thoughts and carefully guarded secrets surface and Liz is left questioning everything she thought she knew about her friend, and about herself. From the bestselling author of Anatomy of a Scandal a new thought-provoking novel exploring the complexity of motherhood and all that connects and disconnects us. A deep dive into the dark side of motherhood. Highly recommended'' Erin Kelly, author of He Said/She Said Compelling, beautifully written, so perceptive and emotionally devastating. Like Anatomy of a Scandal , it feels like an important book as well as a brilliant read Lucy Foley, author of The Hunting Party ''Sarah Vaughan turns her pin-sharp attentions to the blame game that is early parenthood, raising the stakes to truly fearful levels. This tense, absorbing read will have parents in fact, all readers turning the pages deep into the night'' Louise Candlish, author of Those People '' Little Disasters takes on another topical and emotive issue with the same skill and command Vaughan showed in Anatomy of a Scandal'' Cara Hunter, author of All The Rage An emotionally terrifying story. Sarah has impressively created characters whose pain and fear is all too real. I could not put this book down Heidi Perks, author of Now You See Her Vaughan explores the darker impulses of motherhood - the fear, fury and despair; the frantic juggling, loss of control and exhaustion - and of course the overwhelming love. Refreshingly assured and punchy writing that is sure to hit a nerve Lucy Atkins, author of Magpie Lane ''A brilliant storyteller, Vaughan serves up every mothers nightmare with consummate skill and a big heart. Clever. Totally compelling. Impossible to put down Eve Chase, author of Black Rabbit Hall I loved it and didnt want to put it down. So, so good on motherhood and friendship Laura Marshall, author of Friend Request ''I read this with a fascinated, mounting sense of horror because it could all be too true. Compulsive reading with an ending I didnt see coming'' Jane Corry, author of I Looked Away ''A true psychological thriller shows us, as all the best ones do, that the scariest place is not the dark alleyway but inside the pathways of our own minds. Compelling and important Araminta Hall, author of Our Kind of Cruelty An immaculately researched and compelling story about the devastating fall out from one mistake Jane Shemilt, author of The Playground Each character is brilliantly drawn, and the book delivers surprise after surprise Claire Fuller, author of Bitter Orange Absolutely brilliant; an emotionally devastating story, brave and honest Emma Curtis, author of One Little Mistake Sarahs writing is so impressive and skilful the book is gripping, meticulous, and touches the raw nerves of parenthood Terry Stiastny, author of Conflicts of Interest A fabulous twisty look at early motherhood and friendships. Domestic noir and psyche thriller, its brave and brilliant Fionnuala Kearney, author of The Book of Love ''Sarah Vaughan manages to hit that rare sweet spot between satisfying, literary writing and a plot that grips you by the throat. Little Disasters is every bit as brilliant as Anatomy of a Scandal . Superb'' Cass Green, author of The Killer Inside ''An emotionally intelligent and beautifully written thriller that oozes with tension. Just when I thought I had things figured out, Sarah throws us a curveball which turns everything on its head. Rich and authentic, this is a truly remarkable book'' Claire Douglas, author of Then She Vanishes ''Sarah Vaughan delivers another masterful page-turner, this time tackling early motherhood at its least joyful. As with Anatomy of a Scandal , she writes with intelligence and compassion; the result is a truly gripping read Catherine Isaac, author of Messy, Wonderful Us ''Told from multiple points of view, this raw and painfully real portrayal of insecurities, guilt, shame and postnatal anxiety is complex, nuanced and moving'' Guardian ''Thought provoking and delicately executed, this beautifully written novel features characters you will want to both rally and reprimand'' The i ''Vaughan''s novel is a warning about the terrible effects parenting can have on mental health. It is also a cunningly plotted mystery'' Daily Mirror Sarah Vaughan brings to this book the same tension building expertise that made her bestseller Anatomy of a Scandal such a success Daily Mail Youll be kept on the edge of your seat by this carefully crafted novel with multiple twists throughout. It makes for an emotional, often terrifying, and completely gripping read Daily Express ''Expertly crafted... Fans of Anatomy may miss the courtroom tension, but the psychological portraiture in this absorbing study of motherhood is just as rich'' Sunday Times Full of painful truths about the brutal aspect of motherhood, this punchy thriller is sharply plotted Sunday Mirror ''Vaughan delivers another highly emotional, nail-biting read that you''ll tear through in no time at all'' heat ''Sarah Vaughan is back with her fourth novel, the shocking, impossible-to-look-away Little Disasters'' Observer ''Difficult to put down'' Bella ''An absolutely gripping read'' Closer ''Emotional and intense'' Crime Monthly ''Dark, desperate and gripping'' Cosmopolitan ''Another thought-provoking psychological drama'' Woman & Home ''An important book exploring how everything changes once you become a mother - for good and bad'' Woman''s Weekly ''A brilliantly absorbing read It twists all the way to a satisfying ending'' WI Life ''An in depth exploration and revelation of the complicated psychology of early motherhood'' Crime Fiction Lover Painful and realistic, this is a novel that should be read by everyone planning to have a child Literary Review ''In a culture that fetishises motherhood, Sarah Vaughan''s novel is an invaluable corrective, a warning about the terrible effects parenting can have on mental health. It is also a very cunningly plotted mystery'' Jake Kerridge, Sunday Express ''Sarah Vaughan''s latest novel markets itself as a psychological thriller, but is more of an exploration of the intensity of motherhood. Thought provoking and delicately executed'' Press Association ''Sarah Vaughan has crafted a psychological drama with great depth'' Woman''s Own ''Thought provoking and delicately executed, the beautifully written character drama paints a cautionary portrait of motherhood with recognizable characters you''ll want to rally and reprimand in equal measure throughout'' Irish Examiner